
The error messages returned by the validators can be translated. Fiasko Bro currently supports English and Russian languages.

The choice of the language depends on environment variables LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES and LANG (in the same order of priority: if LANGUAGE is set, others ignored).

For example:

$ python
>>> from fiasko_bro import validate
>>> validate('../10_coursera_temp')
[('camel_case_vars', 'for example, rename the following: WorkBook'), ('file_too_long', '')]
$ export LANGUAGE=ru
$ python
>>> from fiasko_bro import validate
>>> validate('../10_coursera_temp')
[('camel_case_vars', 'переименуй, например, WorkBook'), ('file_too_long', '')]

Add translations

The whole process consists of three parts. First, you have to find the strings that need translations and put them into the .pot file. Second, you need to translate the strings and put the translations into .po file. Finally, you have to compile the .po files to .mo files and test your translations. Here are more detailed instructions on each of the steps:

  1. Mark the strings that need the translation by importing gettext function:

    from i18n import _
    # ...
    _('a string to translate')
  2. To generate the .pot file, user Babel:

    pybabel extract fiasko_bro -o fiasko_bro/locale/fiasko_bro.pot
  3. To translate the extracted strings, use a tool like Poedit. Open the .pot file with it

    and add the translations. When you’re done, place the file in the following directory and with the following name: fiasko_bro/locale/<locale name>/LC_MESSAGES/fiasko_bro.po.

  4. Compile the file:

    pybabel compile -i fiasko_bro/locale/<locale name>/LC_MESSAGES/fiasko_bro.po -o fiasko_bro/locale/<locale name>/LC_MESSAGES/

Now change the locale make sure Fiasko produces the right output:

$ python
>>> from fiasko_bro import validate
>>> validate('../10_coursera_temp')
[('camel_case_vars', 'for example, rename the following: WorkBook'), ('file_too_long', '')]
$ export LANGUAGE=<locale name>
$ python
>>> from fiasko_bro import validate
>>> validate('../10_coursera_temp')
[('camel_case_vars', 'переименуй, например, WorkBook'), ('file_too_long', '')]

Finally, add the .po file to git and you’re done.