Release History


Python API Changes

This is what the Fiasko architecture looked like in

Here’s how it looks now:
  • Validation parameters became actual parameters of validate method instead of being class attributes.
  • The difference between validation parameters and whitelists/blacklists is erased: from now on, both work the same way.
  • The project folder does not need to be a git repository in order to be validated correctly because LocalRepository is now decoupled from ast_tree.
  • Validator names became the validator error slugs. That means that validator and error slugs now have one-to-one relationship.
  • Instead of a tuple (error_slug, error_message), validators have to return only the error message string.
  • The list of all error slugs can be obtained by calling get_error_slugs. It was impossible before.


  • Added pre validation checks. They ensure it’s OK to parse the AST tree of the Python files.
  • Added CLI interface.
  • Added more complex conditions to conditional validator execution.


  • Added Pipfile and separated the requirements into deploy and development.
  • Added tests on multiple Python versions with tox.
  • Cleaned up
  • Moved helpers to a separate utils folder.
  • Made all validators (and pre validation checks) respect directories_to_skip setting.


  • Fixed numerous bugs.
  • Increased test coverage.
  • Added new validators.


  • Updated GitPython from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9. (2018-02-14)

First alpha release.